About NHclimateAudit.org

This project was started using digital photo copies of the of reports submitted to the weather bureaus from the Jackson Company of Nashua, New Hampshire. The files were in Adobe Acrobat© Document format and started in the 1886. When we got to the month of August, 1897 the files were corrupted. From that date on nearly all the files would not load.
We sent an email to NOAA about the problem and received this response, "It appears there are about 5 years worth of data that have been loaded into the system in .tiff format which is causing the problem. We are requesting they be converted to pdf format however this will take a little time".
It was then decided to find another source for the data. That is when we found the NCDC Surface Inventories at:
 http://www7.ncdc.noaa.gov/CDO/CDODivisionalSelect.jsp#, this is the data used for our analysis work.

Server space, domain costs, time, and travel to make this website work come out the website operators personal funds.

Massive Data Tampering In New Hampshire Hides The Decline

NCDC shows that New Hampshire is warming very quickly. The thermometer data that NCDC uses shows the exact opposite – New Hampshire is actually cooling. See here.
NCDC accomplishes this magic feat by cooling New Hampshire’s past more than three degrees.

NOAA Climategate Emails Investigation.

Washington, D.C.–Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, released the following findings from the investigation by the Commerce Department’s Inspector General on emails from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) related to the “climategate” scandal.

“I want to thank the Inspector General for conducting a thorough, objective, and balanced investigation,” Inhofe said. “NOAA is one of the nation’s leading scientific organizations. Unfortunately, in reading past the executive summary, this report shows that some NOAA employees potentially violated federal contract law and engaged in data manipulation. It also appears that one senior NOAA employee possibly thwarted the release of important federal scientific information for the public to assess and analyze. Her justification for blocking the release was contradicted by two career attorneys in the Office of General Counsel. This is no doubt a serious matter that deserves further investigation. More here, here and here.

The future is certain, only the past is unpredictable.
Polish saying from Soviet times


About the operator of this site.

He is a trained engineer that spent the last 30 years of his career working as a facilities engineer, project manager, corporate compliance manager and doing analysis studies of industrial processes for developing knowledge-based engineering software.
His statistical experience includes extensive use of multiple regression analysis and design of experiments.
Since his retirement three years ago he has spend a considerable amount of time gathering and studying information on global warming and climate change.



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